Wrap Up


Mayeda (with Radhika translating): You can use this group to continue the discussion of the questions you shared, and any other questions relating to mentorship programme and the future. Innovative answers (and suggestions on ways to find people and resources that can provide answers) would be especially welcome: You can continue with this discussion topic, or suggest a new discussion topic amongst yourselves, as you wish.

A lot of the questions you presented can be answered by Arundhuti. I will try to make an initial response to some of the others.

As regards the programme, one of the things we’re trying to do is to give you a chance to express yourself. The guidelines for doing a programme are not mandatory. You should explore this in conjunction with your mentor. An important aspect is how to get the most out of this experience for yourself. There are many different ways to engage with the programme and to many different levels of involvement. This can be a basis for detailed discussions with your mentor. It is also a time to plan a way to express yourself. Doing your mentorship experience is a good opportunity to find a way of working in developing and presenting your interests, plans and their implications.

Remember, you may have certain skills and knowledge that nobody, including yourselves may be aware of. For example, the photographs you took in the previous session showed you how easily you can learn anything new and do a very good job. Today, you created sprites and skits that were equally amazing and insightful.

This workshop was an attempt at getting you started with the mentorship programme with a clear goal in mind. Most importantly, this is an opportunity for you to learn about your desires, goals, talents, and make a plan to achieve the life you would like to have for yourself.

We have brought the photographs you took in the previous session and will give them to you. I want you to look at these photographs when you are alone, think about that day and write about it in your own words, in Kannada. I want you to do the same thing for this session also. Please think about what all of you did today and write down your thoughts. I want you to write from your heart and not worry about anything else. This is not a test and every piece of writing will be equally good. Whatever you write will be collected by your class teacher and she will give them to me. I just want to know how you felt about these two workshops, what you liked most and what you liked least. If you have any suggestions on what you would have liked to do more, please write that down too.

Now it's time to finish. Thank you all very much for coming, and a special thanks to the Crew for making everything happen.
