Making Labyrinths

Mayeda (with Bhavya translating) Now you will each have a chance to map your personal journey including issues from the Swarm, drawn on one of the blank flip charts on the walls around you.

Bhavya : This activity will take 20 minutes and we would like you to imagine how your life would look like in 5 years time. Imagine your life is a journey through a labyrinth. Think about:

  • What were the challenges?

  • Who (and what) helped you along the way?

  • What were the pitfalls you managed to avoid?

  • What did you learn as you went along particular pathways in the labyrinth?

  • Did you find any hidden “treasures”?

  • How will you share your findings with others?

Arundhuti and Mayeda will give you print outs of these questions and you can refer to them when you are drawing your labyrinths. (5 minutes pause for the girls to go through the questions and when all are satisfied, we proceed)

So, go to a flip chart on the wall and draw your map!

Making Labyrinth pictures




Example of a Labyrinth picture
