Live Provenance exploration chronology

Product ID SC7

Vagabond Roasted Las Brisas Coffee

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November 2023 -
Offered for retail sale as Certified Sail Cargo product by Sail Cargo London (Raybel Charters)

Visit Raybel Charters' story website

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Sailing Bargae Raybel

November 2023
Transferred from New Dawn Traders to Vagabond Roasters. London for roasting sting an packaging as Certified Sail Cargo Las Brisas coffee beans (250g and 1Kg packs)

Visit Vagabond Roasters' story website

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Vagabond rosters' London roasting room.

October 2023
Delivered by Schooner De Gallant to New Dawn Traders at Penrhyn, Cornwall

Visit New Dawn Traders' story website

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Schooner De Gallant at New Dawn Traders' wharf Penrhyn

Aug - Oct 2023
Carried as Sail Cargo in Blue Schooner Company's ship De Galiant travelling from Santa Marta, Colombia to Penrhyn, UK (Voyage Transat 2023-02b)

View Blue Schooner Company's story Website

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Map of Schooner De Gallant's Transat 2023-2 voyage (transat 2023-2b is the leg from Santa Marta to Penryhn)
August 2023
Exported by Cata Cafe Export, Santa Marta Colombia as Sail Cargo loaded on schhooner De Vallant at Port of Santa Marta

View Cata Cafe Exports' Story Website

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Cata Cafe Export: selecting coffee beans for shipping in 70kg sacks as Sail Cargo
July 2023
Produced by Finca Las Brisas, Tolima, Colombia where the Alvear family own 10 hectares of specialty coffee farm.They pooled their resources together, set up a common processing facility and focused all their efforts on cultivating a single varietal of specialty coffee - Bourbon Aji. (Caturra  and  Castillo beans) . 

View Finca Las Brisas' Story Website

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Finca Las Brisas: The Alvear Family