Major externally funded research projects of the LML include:

CADIC- Cross-enterprise Assessment and Development of Intellectual Capital
funded €5,000,000 2010-13 by EU Framework 7 program
(LSE is an RTD partner in InCaS, together with Fraunhofer IPK, Berlin, The University of Calabria, and the Universitat Politecnico de Catalunya.)

Salud Reproductiva para Adolescentes.
Community health project founded on participatory multimedia, located in Peru
Originally funded £135,000 by the UK Department for International Development,
Now self sustaining

Intellectual Capital Statement- Made in Europe (InCaS).
Funded €3,200,000, 2006-8 by EU Framework 6 programme
(LSE is an RTD partner in InCaS, together with Fraunhofer IPK, Berlin and the Universitat Politecnico de Catalunya.)

Evaluation of Creative Partnership Programme: Pathways to Value.
Focusing on London Schools
Funded £160,000 2006-8 by Arts Council England

Positive Futures Young People’s Views.
Funded £250,000 2004-6 by UK Home Office Drugs Strategy Directorate