Intellectual Capital Statement – Made in Europe (InCaS) is a Collective
Research Project funded by the European Commission under FP6:
collective research. InCaS seeks to strengthen the competitiveness and innovation capability of SMEs by activating their intellectual capital through InCaS,
The Intellectual Capital Statement (ICS) process and supporting ICS Toolkit have been validated in practice to provide an open, semi-structured methodology designed to help Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) decide on their strengths and weaknesses regarding intellectual capital and its use within the firm.
The InCaS project is led by the Confédération Européene des Association de Petites et Moyenne Enterprises (CEA-PME). InCaS’s Research and Technical Development (RTD) Partners are Fraunhofer-Institute for Production Systems and Design Technology (IPK), London School of Economics-Organizational Research Group and Universidad Politècnica de Catalunya. The LSE InCaS team is led by Professor Patrick Humphreys, Director of the London Multimedia Lab.The RTD partners work together with Industrial Associations and Groupings (IAGs) in five European countries that link together SMEs according to their mutual interests.
Incas consortium: team members
During each of the first two phases of the project (2006-7 and 2007-8), five SMEs in each of the five InCaS core countries (France, Germany, Poland, Slovenia, Spain) participated in piloting the InCaS approach and methodology in their own enterprises, and in evaluating the results in conjunction with the InCaS RTD partners, including a team from the London Multimedia Lab.
After three years of research and practical implementation in pilot companies across Europe, InCaS has a proven record of improving management processes and access to finance to the benefit of SMEs.
InCaS Workshop on
Small and Medium Enterprises and the Financial Markets
This workshop was organized in BOX at LSE by the London Multimedia Lab. There were twenty four participants: influencers and practitioners, drawn from the Financial Markets, Venture Capital and Regulation communities, joined with members of the InCaS project team to discuss key issues together.
The project “Intellectual Capital Statement – Made in Europe” (InCaS) aims at:
Strengthening the competitiveness and innovation potential of European SMEs by activating their intellectual capital systematically
Establishment of the Intellectual Capital Statement (ICS) as an important and valuable management tool in a knowledge driven economy.
. Consolidation of single national approaches on Intellectual Capital Statements on the European level
The Financial Market and Venture Capital Communities are key players in this enterprise, as they can be a major source of investment. But the investment opportunities need to be better understood and effectively realised as a result of better practices involving European SMEs.
The workshop commenced with presentations from Leif Edvinson and Markus Will on Valuation of Intellectual Capital, followed by “spark sessions”, where two experts and key players from different backgrounds initiate debate on a key issue which is then extended to all the participants who would like to get involved.
The first spark session was on contrasting models on the value of enterprises, sparked by debate between Charles Liasidis and Bill Mayon-White, the second spark session was on issues in obtaining finance for enterprises, sparked by debate between Marcelo Ramella and Mary Anne Cordeiro. This was followed by a film: Showing value: the case of SIDASA's Engineering Business Unit, introduced by Roger Pou, the Director of this Spanish SME.
Workshop participants then have the opportunity to identify a variety of issues that they would like to be addressed in ”fast forward" sessions in 3 parallel breakout groups. Report-outs from the groups were made in the concluding plenary where some exciting possibilities emerged.
The report of the workshop will soon be available here