Spritivity is a creative communication process developed as a joint effort by Liu Yang at the Zenzone Media Arts Lab of the China Culture Administration and Patrick Humphreys at the London Multimedia Lab for Audiovisual Composition and Communication. It enables rich communication between groups of participants (of all kinds (students, community members, researchers, business partners), working together to explain, share, and explore in rich audiovisual language, the real and the potential worlds they inhabit.
Spritivity, as a communication medium, relies on developing a picture language for making and exchanging stories. It is particularly significant in situations where the various groups of participants do not share a common written and spoken language. The key characters, or elements in the stories are sprites, which participants may construct for themselves as puppets they can animate, or masks they can wear.
Or they may make sprites as graphic images on paper with adhesive backing that they can stick on pages in story books.
Sprites can be created from scratch, using a variety of materials, or they can be extracted from audiovisual media, including photographs taken by the participants themselves.
Each sprite is grounded in a particular context (both real and imagined) of specific interest to the person who creates it. A sprite gains its identity through its creator's imagination in terms of where and how that sprite might live in that context. It gains specific characteristics, initially specified by its creator, that can be extended by other participants.
These characteristics indicate the kind of character that the sprite can play in a story - often voyaging far beyond the specific context where it originated. They inform how it will think and behave in the context of an audiovisual production such as a picture book, movie, shadow-puppet performance, or whatever.
Participants in Spritivity workshops can work together to create a story where the sprites that they, collectively, have created are the main players, mise-en-scene according to the context of the story, and its development
Click Here to see a Video of the Spritivity London-Beijing case study
Read the Spritivity Primer