Images and Sounds

Collage by Slavica Savic

The Images and Sounds initiative is concerned with innovation, technology and creativity. The Images and sounds App, currently under construction, integrates a papertronic book, and e-book, an audiovisual annotation catalogue and exploration system and a seats of online, interactive tutorials. Images and Sounds: Audiovisual Composing will be published as a Papertronic book and an e-book, both comprising comprising nine chapters:

1: Primal images and sounds
2: The role of the arts in audiovisual composing
3: Recording images and sounds and developing audiovisual stories: A historical perspective
4: Exploring an audiovisual story
5: Imagination and Technique: Universal Audiovisual Composing
6: Composers and Composition: Media Arts in a University
7: Extending Frontiers: Participatory Audiovisual Composition
8: Audiovisual Composing in the Creative Partnerships Programme
9: Going Forward

Each chapter will comprise text and illustrations, within a traditional paper book and an e-book, automatically linked with up to 30 audiovisual annotations, presented as audiovisual galleries, video shorts, film clips, animation and multimedia compositions within an electronic environment.

Images and Sounds is authored by
Carol Lorac

Background to Images and Sounds
Innovative communication processes in Images and Sounds