Carol Lorac MPhil, AGSM.
Carol Lorac is Co-founder of the London Multimedia Lab for Audiovisual Composition and Communication (LML). Within the LML she led research on the project “Creative Partnerships in London Schools: Pathways to Value” for the Arts Council England she has collaborated on SaRA project (Salud Reproductiva para Adolescentes: enhancing development through participatory multimedia in Peruvian communities) for the UK Department for International Development and led the research on the project “Positive Futures: Young People’s Views” for the UK Government’s Home Office. She founded the Department of Media Arts, at Royal Holloway University of London, establishing an innovative degree programme centred on language and practice of audiovisual composing processes. She is currently completing a combined print and electronic book on “Images and sounds: audiovisual language and process for extending the boundaries of communication: theory, practice and cases”.
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